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This photo was taken in the high mountains of Adjara, Georgia, while I was doing my projec

Ladies Retreat 2024

Kayla Lane

This past week we celebrated another annual ladies retreat. This year was a truly wonderful experience, blending moments of laughter and reflection. Our ladies had a chance to share heartfelt testimonies that moved many to tears, highlighting personal journeys and triumphs. As a special touch, attendees received thoughtfully crafted gifts, including devotional journals, scripture cards, and anchor-themed jewelry to remind them of their shared journey.The interview-style morning sessions allowed for deeper connections, and the evening sessions were enriching lessons on how to anchor deeper in the Lord.

In addition to the enlightening sessions, the retreat offered plenty of time for fun and relaxation, with shopping excursions and engaging activities in town. From delicious catered dinners and game nights to exploring nature and enjoying the stunning scenery the hotel rooftop, each element contributed to a vibrant sense of renewal and encouragement. By the end of the retreat, attendees left refreshed, not only physically and mentally, but with a reinvigorated spiritual strength. A huge thank you to all who were involved in the preparation process and to that special group of ladies who were able to attend!

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