Victory Baptist Church
Bible and Literature Missionary Foundation
We have supported for 10 years.
Shelbyville, Tennessee
Shelbyville, Tennessee
Shannon Lemmon
Tiffany Lemmon
December 2, 2024
Dear Pastor and Church,
It has been an amazing year in the service of our wonderful Lord! Our family has travelled 28,000 miles
to 70 Churches in 16 different states to share the Bible and Literature Missionary Foundation. We were
thankful to serve in many Missions’ Weeks, Revivals, King James Bible Conferences, and regular services
to sing, teach, preach, and present this ministry. God has been so good, enabling many of those Churches
to partner with BLMF this year through prayer, volunteering, and financial support! We rejoice at the souls
that were gloriously saved in the services and in our travels as God opened the door to give the Gospel in
public places. It always amazes us just how much the Lord is not willing that any should perish…many
times hearing from a brand-new Believer how they recently had been searching for the Truth! Hallelujah!
We are home for a few weeks for Christmas with our family and look forward to all the Lord will do in
the schedule He has planned for next year! You who have invited us to come have truly encouraged our
hearts as we drive down highways and interstates. We count it a great privilege and honor to be in your
Pulpits, your Sunday School classes, Ladies’ Meetings, Teen Groups, and Dinner Tables. Our year is blessed
because of you, your graciousness, and the burden you share with us to produce God’s Word for a world
in need.
This Thanksgiving Day, we will celebrate Serenity’s 13th Birthday! Yes, you read that correctly! How can
we have a teenager already? Micah Chase turned 10 in August, and we will be celebrating 20 years of marriage this July (18 of those years being in this ministry). Your prayers for our children are always appreciated, that we will train them in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. Their lives are certainly interesting,
homeschooling from the backseat of our vehicle most days, and helping us at the Churches. Yet, our family
enjoys the journey for sure!
BLMF will see a total production this year of 2.2 Million Scriptures – Glory to God! We are asking Him
for great and mighty things in the coming days as we trust Him to provide the funds for three trailer loads
of paper every single month! This will enable us to continue meeting the requests by the dear missionaries
on the foreign fields needing Bibles for their people. Please pray for us…our family, our team here at the
Bible Barn, and all the “great company” of those that publish God’s Word! We at the print shop pray for
all our supporting Churches by name…that He will pour out the windows of Heaven upon you. Please
let us know of any way we may be a blessing to your ministry, and have a Happy Thanksgiving filled with
gratitude, love, and memories! I’m sure as you give thanks for all God has done, you will quote as we often
do, “This is the LORD’s doing; it is marvellous in our eyes.”
Shannon, Tiffany, Serenity, and Micah Lemmon
You are always welcome to call me anytime at (931) 205-1641.
November 2024 Family Update
931-684-0304 2101 Hwy 231 South
Shelbyville, Tn 37160 biblelit.com sllemmon@outlook.com
August 22, 2024
Bible & Literature Missionary Foundation Update August 2024
BLMF • Co-Founder: Dr. Robert Lemmon, Jr. • Director: Dr. Shannon Lemmon
1.3 Million Scriptures Printed and 1.1 Million Shipped this Year!
“But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto
me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth” (Acts
1:8). Directly below Jerusalem was Judaea, and north of Jerusalem was Samaria. Jesus commanded
His disciples to reach not just their own home with His Gospel, but also the regions around them
and afar. This month has enabled BLMF to produce and ship the Word of God to both the Northern
Core and the Southern portion of North America bordering our great Nation! Many times, we may be
thrilled with the thought of reaching the “regions beyond,” such as the 10/40 window – which is also
commanded. Yet, let us never forget the dear souls who share this landmass with us. They, too, will
stand before the Lord one day – they also need their names found in the Lamb’s Book of Life. 80,000
English New Testaments were printed and shipped to Canada, where a wonderful local Church, Victory
Baptist of Ontario, is working tirelessly to get the Word of God in thousands of homes as they share the
Gospel! 18,000 Spanish Bibles and 17,000 Spanish New Testaments are now in Mexico, where two
missionary families are getting the hope of salvation to those precious souls in need! We give God all
the glory for the way He provides so His Word may be sent! You are the resource He is using! Thank
you for your help, your faithful support, and your encouragement as BLMF exists for one reason: to print that Written Witness for our Jerusalem, Judaea, Samaria, and the uttermost part of the earth.
Gratefully, Shannon and Bobby
We are rejoicing over all God is accomplishing in spite of inflation and the loss of some supporting churches over the last few years. One urgent prayer request is that God will provide the funds to pay for the five trailer loads of paper coming in this month! We still have 24 Scripture container requests from missionaries needing Bibles, so we are trusting God will meet this need. He is more than able! Please pray for
our entire team, our supporting Churches, and the laborers on the mission fields. Will you please join us in prayer?
Ukrainian New Testaments being distributed!
#blmfHopeToUkraine project 18,000 Spanish Bibles and 17,000 Spanish New Testaments loaded for MEXICO80,000 English New Testaments (40,000 with Study Helps) shipped to CANADA!!!
BLMF has received 16 trailer loads of paper this year! Right now, we have 100,000 English Bibles on the press, and will soon go to press with 30,000 Portuguese Bibles that will be shipped to our friend,
Missionary Brian Lawson, to be distributed on the mission field of Brazil. Brother Lawson and his dear family are doing a tremendous work for the Lord there with a true zeal and burden for the Portuguese people!
This week, we will be shipping 23,100 Bibles, 21,600 New Testaments, and 12,000 Shona New Testaments for Brother Russell Wright in Zimbabwe. This is an answer to prayer as they have been out of
Scriptures on their mission field for months! Brother Wright and his wife are avid soulwinners, taking every opportunity to share the Gospel and get Bibles into the hands of their people. We are now preparing a
container for Precious Seed Ministries to distribute in the Philippines. Brother Roger and Mrs. Cheryl Riley work with hundreds of Churches and jail ministries to get the Bibles to those in need. BLMF will also be shipping 15,000 Spanish Bibles and 25,000 Spanish New Testaments with study helps to Honduras for Missionary Jason Tate. Brother Tate has been serving for years in Central and South America, seeing many churches planted and ministering to hundreds of Pastors there! Pastor Steve Frost of Shawnee Baptist in Louisville, Kentucky, along with some of his people, will be going to help in the distribution!
Pastors Partnering in Printing Are you planning to attend our Annual Scripture Conference on October 21-23? If so, we would be so grateful for your help! Perhaps you know a couple Pastor friends who have never heard of this Local Church Bible-printing ministry. Would you consider inviting them to join us? We have a few sponsored hotel rooms and would love to provide their accommodations. All meals are also provided, and they will be blessed by this meeting! Getting a Pastor here is the best way to truly allow them to see the
amazing work God is doing! If you could help us by having at least two Pastors come to this conference, you will receive a very special gift! (Gift to be announced in upcoming Global Witness next month.) By getting the word out to other Pastors, you will be helping BLMF “Get the WORD out!” Please call or text us at (931)
205-1641 for information to get your Pastor friends’ hotel rooms booked or for anything at all! We look forward to seeing you here! Dr. Shannon Lemmon
A Celebri Preservi
BLMF • 2101 HWY 231 SOUTH • SHELBYVILLE, TN • 37160 • BIBLELIT.COM • 931.684.0304
Paper Trailer Load
Number 16 for the Year!