Botswana, Africa
Grace Baptist Church
Baptist International Missions
We have supported for 9 years.
New Castle, Indiana
Harrison, Tennessee
Mike Haley
Cindy Haley
April 4, 2023

Missionaries Mike Cindy & Emily Haley
REALLY EXCITING NEWS – Our Emily is engaged to be married! Brother Shane Tasker works with missionary Gerald Meyers at the Independent Baptist Church of Pretoria in South Africa. We met Shane last year when he led a team from their church on a mission trip to Botswana. Blessed fellowship and a kindred spirit was enjoyed by all that weekend as we teamed up to go out soul-winning. And the LORD was working on a great surprise. In January of this year as we were travelling in South Africa I had the privilege to preach at IBC in Pastor Meyers absence. Afterwards Brother Shane took us
to lunch and spent the afternoon showing our family around the city of Pretoria. And that’s when it happened! Two amazing people who love the Lord with all their heart and share an intense desire to serve Him all their lives; found each other. When it’s right it’s right and it didn’t take long for love’s sweet blossom to bloom and two weeks ago Shane proposed. About five years ago Shane surrendered his life to Christ to serve in missions and has recently been in the process of transitioning from his secular job into full-time ministry. He and Emily are planning to be wed sometime later this year.
Cindy and I are so thrilled at how God has orchestrated this beautiful love story in the lives of our families and we hope that you too will join us in praising the Lord for His goodness. Please pray for Shane and Emily as plans are made for the wedding and that the Lord will be greatly magnified. The divorce rate in Botswana stands at 73%. Fornication and adultery are horribly rampant. Many people lost and saved alike will witness the manner in
which Shane and Emily marry and establish their home. Please pray that it will create both a hunger and a boldness in the hearts of the
Batswana to pursue marriage the way that God intended. THANK YOU FOR GIVING – Already we have received $2500 of the $4800 needed to fund
the Partner with a Preacher (PWP) church planting initiative for this 1st year. Our men are so encouraged! This past week I met with the chief of Gabane (Ha-bah-nay) and secured his blessing to start the work there. This past Saturday a group from our church passed out Setswana New Testaments to over 500 homes in a village called Pilane (Pee-lah-nay). Again there were those who beseeched us to start a church in their village and one man
even led one of our members to a plot of land and said “Here you can have this land. It’s free for a church. Build a church here.” I don’t want to sound like a broken record but Matthew 9:37 is so true “The harvest TRULY is plenteous but the labourers are few.” Please – stop and pray even now and ask the Lord to send more missionaries to Botswana and even more so to lead us to those here who will answer the call to serve the Lord and be trained in the work of the gospel. We have also received $600 towards the container of Bibles that we will ship Lord willing later this year! It’s a great start. Please continue to pray as the Lord provides for these two great endeavors.
(Cynthia’s 4st time on distribution – saved last month)
VIDEO UPDATE AND ADDITIONAL PRAYER REQUESTS – Cindy has prepared a wonderful video update to go along with this letter.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mNYmHo9S3Uo We hope you found the prayer guide we sent last month helpful. Please add an
unspoken request that for now we’ll refer to as “Ruretse.” It’s an opportunity we’re exploring. Pray that God will give us clear direction in
the matter. Please pray for our furlough schedule as well. Please pray for the Grace BC family. We’ve had a rash of sickness. Additionally
some of our members are being sifted by Satan or perhaps sorted out by the Lord (tares and wheat). God is taking our family this ministry
and the church “next level” and we are definitely going through the pruning and purging that precedes bearing “more fruit” and “much
fruit” – Reference John 15. It’s a necessary process but it’s never an easy one. We trust the Lord to do His good pleasure in all our lives.
God is good – all the time!
We love and appreciate you!
Mike Cindy & Emily Haley