General Santos, Philippines
Windsor Hills Baptist Church
Baptist International Missions
We have supported for 22 years.
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Chattanooga, Tennessee
Doug Sisson
Becky Sisson
February 12, 2024
December 2023 to January 2024
Dear Pastor and Church Family:
Christmas Musical: We held our first Christmas musical at our church on December 10. We prayed we worked and God blessed in an amazing way. Our people invited lost friends and relatives. We had over 2500 people attend that night with over 160 people being saved. You can view it on this You tube link:
Pastors’ Meeting: We had a Pastors’ meeting with local pastors nearby and 129 Pastors attended. It was a great blessing to have Pastor Kerry Nance and his wife from Tampa Florida with us. They were such a great blessing to our family our church and other churches. He not only spoke in the Pastors’ meeting but also spoke in our church and college chapel. I had never met Pastor Nance until he visited us here but we plan on having him with us again in the future. We are so blessed that God has allowed so many good Pastors over the years to visit us here in the Philippines.
Soul Winning Week: We try three to four times a year to have soul winning week to increase our visitation. We have sign-up sheets for our teens our singles and our adults. During this week we try to get every member to go visiting with us during this time. We try to line up people who have never gone before and to get those who have stopped to start back. It is amazing how many people get involved during this time. In the coming weeks and months after this event God blesses our church in an amazing way. On Saturday night January 12th we had 102 men go with us on visitation. We have never had that many. The following week we had 100 men out visiting and this past week there were 70. God is blessing our church in a great way since our soul-winning week. I read something sometime ago that Dr. Lee Roberson said and I believe it to be so true “The greatest thing a Christian can do after salvation is to share the Gospel with
others. It not only helps others but also it helps the Christian in his Christian life so much.”
Prayer Request: City Youth Rally on March 1st. We are praying to have 20 to 25 churches to attend. We want to challenge young people to serve the Lord in a greater way.
Missionary Doug & Becky Sisson
Sending Church: Higher Plains Baptist
Oklahoma City OK