Faith Baptist Church
We have supported for 9 years.
Raymore, Missouri
Derek Thomas
Julie Thomas
April 13, 2023

Dear Praying Friends
We have just completed our latest session of the Lao Bible Institute. Our theme was “Personal Evangelism” which focused on both the mandate and biblical methods of reaching souls. In Laos the population is considered 76% unreached with the gospel. This means that 3 out of 4 Laotians will live their entire lives with no potential to hear the gospel. This number cannot be changed without a commitment to pay the cost. A number if not all of our students during the session devoted themselves to proclaiming the hope of the gospel no matter the consequence. In the Lao People’s Democratic Republic this could mean prison torture or even death! Laos still rates as one of the top most persecuted nations in the world for Christians. As recently as October a pastor was tortured and killed in southern Laos for his faith. Some in Laos believe that Christianity is “a foreign religion and a tool used by the West to undermine the Communist Laotian regime.”
Since the conclusion of our recent session we’ve learned that one of our students has already led 3 souls to Christ. Praise the Lord! But we know this that as we arise to proclaim the gospel Satan ascends to withstand it. We are thankful for men willing to pay the ultimate price to see the gospel preached to “all” Laotian peoples. If you lived in a Lao village under the bondage of Satan and sin where Animistic spiritism or Buddhism were all you knew would you want someone to come bringing you the liberating message of Christ? Would you also desire someone praying for you that your eyes which had been blinded by the “god of this world” would be opened to the truth? If our men are willing to risk their lives to take the light of Christ deeper into the darkness of Laos are you willing co-labor with them in prayer?
Answered Prayer! After 6 months we have finally received the legal deed for our property in central Vientiane. The property has already doubled in value since our purchase. We can now begin building a facility which will house a local church a pastor and his family and give LBI a home to continue training God’s servants. We are already looking forward to our next session of LBI in late July with the hope of seeing the foundation laid for the building. We also anticipate hearing reports from our students of the gospel going out and of souls being reached helped along the way through your necessary prayers.
Yours for the glory of Christ in Laos
January 3, 2023

December 26 2022 Dear Praying friend
It is hard to believe that 2022 is ending and that the war in Ukraine is now 10 months old. By the grace of God since the war began February 24th we’ve visited 102 churches; gathering prayer partners and aid for our beloved Ukraine. We’ve been touched deeply by the outpouring of “compassion for Ukraine” proved by both pledges of prayer and gifts of grace to help. From a single mother in SE Kansas who gave her last check to help to a couple of sisters in NE Arkansas who offered me all the money they possessed the gifts of grace are overwhelming. We’ve seen churches that have given sacrificially schools that organized to help individuals who have faithfully contributed foundations that participated and organizations that have come along side and helped carry the burden. All gifts were acts of “compassion” that are “making a difference” in Ukraine for the glory of Christ. One example of this is the story of a woman who lives in the Kharkiv region.
The local church that ministers in her area currently has standing room only for its Sunday services. To reach their community this church holds special evangelistic services. In these meetings aid is offered to the attenders who receive a ticket which enables the church to track those who’ve come and ensure they’ll have enough aid that night. This woman attended one of these special evangelistic meetings for the first time but didn’t have a ticket. The church welcomed her to attend but without the promise of aid. After the meeting they had a bag of aid left over and offered it to the woman. She refused the aid stating “I’ve already received today much more than I could imagine.” This woman found her greatest need met in this evangelistic service - the hope of the gospel of Christ. The aid provided a platform from which the gospel was preached. Thank you for being conduits of God’s grace through your gifts and prayers and for “making a difference” in Ukraine for the glory of Christ.
We have planned our fifth trip into Ukraine (since the war began) in January 2023. During our time there we plan to meet with our team hold session for Slavic Baptist Institute and look forward to other evangelistic opportunities. We deeply covet your “earnest” prayers for this trip. As 2022 brought many new challenges God’s grace once again proved sufficient. Whatever we face in 2023 we hope in the promise of our Lord’s presence with us and the pledge of your partnership in prayer for us. We wish you a very blessed and fruitful “New Year” as we look forward to new experiences of His grace in 2023.
Derek and Julie