Danli, Honduras
Faith Baptist Church
Baptist International Missions Inc
We have supported for 5 years.
Tacoma, Washington
Harrison, Tennessee
Brandon Lane
Kathy Lane
June 13, 2024
Lane Family May Prayer Letter
Dear Pastor and Church Family,
Recent Open Doors: Even as we remain busy with preparations for the conference, God is still providing opportunities for avenues of ministry. From continuing to assist in various local churches with preaching and music, to driving the bus every Sunday evening, to providing the police force with Scriptural materials nearly every month, we hold it a great privilege to be vessels of His work throughout the country of Honduras. We have also been continuing to make repairs and improvements to our facility, including remodeling the industrial kitchen and purchasing the necessary supplies. We also constructed new walls in our dining hall for a separate shop where the pastors can buy refreshments. My oldest son also set up an improved internet system for our property that will be able to handle 200+ users.
Upcoming Projects | Events: As the conference rapidly approaches, our project list steadily rises. We are expecting a container from the States to arrive in the Honduran port sometime this week. This container will provide Bibles, teaching materials, and study tools for the attending pastors which they can take home with them. We would highly appreciate any prayers towards this, as invariably there are difficulties and delays at the border. As the months turn into weeks, we pray that God continues to provide the necessary materials. We are so thankful that churches and individuals continue to contact us with the desire to participate in our Sponsor-a-Pastor program. Praise the Lord, we have reached the number of 61 sponsored pastors! But in the remaining five weeks, we need more people to get involved to cover the additional 139 pastors. If you have not yet taken part in this program and have a desire to, please visit our website at our donation page. We desperately need your involvement and help to make this conference as impactful as possible for these visiting men of God.
We covet your prayers and your unwavering faithfulness, and we are so thankful and privileged to partner with you over all of these ministry opportunities. We are so excited to see what God does through each and every one, and we are continually humbled and amazed at the open doors He provides.
May 2, 2024
Lane Family April Prayer Letter
Dear Pastor and Church Family,
Recent Open Doors: Projects and repairs have continued in preparation for our annual pastors' training conference. Over the past month since we have announced the Sponsor-a-Pastor program, we have received an incredible response in support of the donation opportunity. Currently, we have 35 pastors who are sponsored for this coming 2024 conference! We are so grateful to those individuals and churches who decided participate in our program. However, we do have the remaining number of 165 pastors who need sponsorship within the next three months before the July meeting. If you have not yet gotten involved, we ask that you please prayerfully consider doing so. This program is an easy way to become personally connected with our ministry, with a direct impact on a local pastor's life. As previously mentioned, this project is a $100 donation which will cover one pastor's stay and training materials over the three-day meeting. As financially hard-pressed as some of the attendees are, we consider it our privilege to be able to make it completely free of charge to any visiting pastors. However, in view of the hefty cost of the many other expenses which make this conference possible, we ask that you consider taking part in our program. The support and prayers of our brothers and sisters in Christ are what enables our ministry to reach more souls with the gospel and to further impact the churches, communities, and countries around us.
Upcoming Projects | Events: We are excited to announce that our new website is now available to you. It covers a wide variety of sources and content, from ministry pictures of our latest endeavors, to our most recent prayer letters, to more ways you can get involved, to update and project videos. Please consider visiting us at our website to learn more about us as a family and our ministry, Also, if you would like a PDF printable form of our prayer letter, you can find that on the updates page of our website: https://www.lanestohonduras.com/. If you have any further questions or wish to be involved, please do not hesitate to contact us.
On the main page of our website, we have a review video covering the major highlights of 2023. We apologize for the delay in making this available to you, but as we were finally able to work through the many technical difficulties along the way, we hope that you take just a few minutes out of your day to join us as we remember everything that the Lord so graciously enabled our family to be a part of this past year. Even now, we are taken aback by the amazing international doors of opportunity He guided our family through in 2023.
Thank you for all your prayers and support towards our ministry at the conference center. We really do believe it is so important to touch the lives of these men of God, to encourage them so they in turn can better encourage their families, cities, and ministries. As our pastor says, if we can reach a pastor, he can reach his people. We so appreciate all you do to support us, through giving and through faithfulness in prayer. We pray that the Lord continues to work in His incredible ways through His people to further the work of the gospel across the globe.
For His glory,
The Lane Family