dunfrum, Ireland
Heritage Baptist church
Baptist Internationa Missionary incorporated
We have supported for 5 years.
Woodbridge, Virginia
Harrison, Tennessee
Andrew Canavan
Shawn Canavan
October 9, 2024
Hi Pastor Smith and Faith Baptist Church,
Thank you so much for your prayers and support. Just wanted to give a quick report on the past month of ministry. The Lord blessed our services this past Sunday with a returning couple from a man who I was able to witness to on the streets back in April. He is Catholic and his wife is evangelical. Please pray for Roberto to be saved. On Tuesday, I was door-knocking and after sort of a more challenging day on the doors, a man answered the door with his hand out saying, “Hi, I’m Richard.” Stunned, I said, I’m Andrew. He proceeded to explain he was from the Philippines, had moved to Galway a month ago with his family, and is looking for a Bible preaching / non-Catholic church. That was thrilling also.
Shauna has just today had a third Bible study with Michelle, an Irish mum of two of the lads who came to our Summer Bible club. She is very close to trusting Christ, please pray for her! Thank you so much for your prayers and support, we are very grateful.
In Christ,
Church-Planting in Ireland
July 8, 2024
April to June 2024
Dear Pastors and Praying friends,
Hello from FINALLY sunny Germany. It has been an unusual couple of months weather wise as most
days have been cold and rainy, but the weather is rapidly becoming more summerlike.
In April, we had a kids movie night with Veggie Tales, popcorn and too many sweets. The kids, as well as
the adults, started asking when the next one would be before the first one was even over. The same
month, Sheila took a few women from the church to the Ladies’ Conference at Rheinland Baptist Church.
It was a blessed time of learning and growing in the Lord and the fellowship with other Christian ladies
was very sweet. At the end of April, Patrick went stateside for a three week furlough in Washington and
Oregon. In Patricks’ absence the men of the church stepped up and covered all services including a
young soldier preaching the Mother’s Day services as his mother watched from the US on our Facebook
For Mother’s Day, we honored mothers along with all the women present because they have the
potential to be mothers or a mother figure. It was a special service made more special with Andrew
preaching. Patrick returned from furlough around mid-May. He was able to be in eight new churches
and one supporting church. Sheila and Michael continued their strong involvement in the military
homeschooling community with several events as well as continuing to teach the elementary Bible
education class. God continues to open many doors and opportunities through this ministry.
In June we had more activities with the homeschool community which included a field day with over 60
participants, ages 5-17. We continue to have visitors almost every week from the military as well as the
community surrounding the church but June has been bittersweet., This PCS season, we’ve had to say
“See ya later” to a young military family who were faithful and willing to work, both in children’s church
and in other things around the church. The very next week, we had to say “See ya later” as we watched
someone, that had become like a son to us and a brother to Michael over the last 2 years, leave. It was
an honor to watch him grow in the Lord. He was our church musician, loved by all of our church kids,
and just a faithful young man that wanted to serve and please the Lord. I have said it before and I will
say it again, the “See ya later”s are the hardest part of military missions. No matter how long we have
them we will always make the most of the time God gives us with them and point them to Christ.
Because of your faithful financial and prayer support you have a hand in this as well. We thank you for
you supporting us so that we can share the love of Christ with so many others.
The Wolfes, (Patrick, Sheila & Michael
Missionaries to the American Military in Germany
Luke 12:48
May 9, 2024