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This photo was taken in the high mountains of Adjara, Georgia, while I was doing my projec

Iglesia Bautista Fe

Perfil del Misionero
Campo Misionero:
Quita Sueño, República Dominicana
Años de servicio:
Iglesia Enviadora:
Iglesia Bautista Independiente
Agencia Misionera:
Misiones Internacionales Bautistas Inc.
We have supported for 29 years.
clinton, Maryland
Chattanooga, Tennesse
esteban Sidler
nohemy Sidler

August 1, 2024

June 3, 2024

February 1, 2024

October 30, 2023

Dear Pastor Smith and Church Family: 
We pray you are doing well.  God is blessing here in a great way. 
Three weeks ago my wife came down with "dengue" and had to stay home sick for about a week.  Praise the Lord she is doing much better now. 
The following week we had our church anniversary.  The Lord gave us an attendance of 741 with 125 professions of faith and 4 baptized.  We praise the Lord for His blessings! 
Today the Lord gave us great services all day.  This evening one of our young men Derek got baptized.  He had been struggling with his salvation and got it straightened out and wanted to make sure he got baptized biblically afterwards.  He sings in our church choir works on one of our walk-in routes and takes a class in our Junior Bible Institute (for teenagers.) 
A week from this Monday the pastor from my home church Pastor Mike Creed will be coming with a group to help us evangelize the northern peninsula of Samana.  We are praying to be able to get John & Romans along with some tracts out all over the area.  Last year we did the same and were able to get into the schools in the area.  We are praying to be able to have that door open again this year. 
Pray for one of our young men who has been in our church for years.  I won´t give his name without his permission but he is struggling with God´s will for his life.  He wants to serve the Lord full-time and realizes he may need to give up some other directions he is going with his life in order to be able to do that.  Please pray for him. 
God bless you and thank you for allowing us to represent you as we win souls start churches and train people for the work of the ministry here in the Dominican Republic. 
Your friends and servants in the Dominican Republic
Missionaries Steve and Nohemy Sidler

June 1, 2023

April 27, 2023

The Sidler Family
Serving Christ in the Dominican Republic
 Dear Pastor Smith and Church Friends:                                                                                                April 25 2023
We send you warm greetings from the Dominican Republic.  It is our prayer that the Lord bless you your family and your church in a great and mighty way!
Praise the Lord for His many blessings in our lives and ministry here in the Dominican Republic.  Last weekend we had a special youth activity with our church in Manoguayabo with Pastor Armando.  There was a group of 115 present and we saw 4 people get saved. 
One of our other pastors at our church in Fantino has been getting into the schools and they have allowed him to present the gospel and hand out John and Romans and tracts.  Last week he saw 164 pray to receive Christ as their Saviour in one of the schools.  This week in another school there were 79 who professed faith in Jesus Christ and more than 100 others received an John and Romans. 
At our first church we are working on plans to build a new Sunday School building put a basketball court in our parking lot and have some other projects.
I have been sick over the last 2 weeks.  On Saturday and Sunday nights this week I slept and hour and a half each night.  I was so thankful to the Lord that the medicine started working and I was able to get a good night’s sleep last night.  It was still a challenge to fall asleep. 
Please pray for us in regards to buying a van that we desperately need for our church.  We have a big school bus which is such a big big blessing!  However it would really help us to have a 15 passenger van that is available from another Missionary family that took care of their van and they are selling it now for $8000.  I know that the Lord will provide but please help us by praying that He will help us.  I will probably mention this in our next prayer letter but you are the first people we are mentioning it to.
God bless you and thank you for being our friends.
Your friends and servants in the Dominican Republic
Missionaries Steve and Nohemy Sidler
Missionaries Steve Nohemy and Sarah Sidler – DMG #20371 c/o Agape Flights 100 Airport Ave E. Venice FL 34285-3901
Serving with Baptist International Missions Inc. – Home 850-600-5060; Cel. 809-949-8052

March 2, 2023

January 3, 2023

Dear Pastor Smith and Faith Baptist Church: 
We pray that this letter finds you enjoying God's richest blessings in your lives. 
God is giving us a wonderful time this month.  On December 10th we had a special Christmas concert.  Many of the churches we started all got together with us in Quita Sueno on that Saturday for that activity.  We had some wonderful preaching from Pasto Fernando of Vietnam Santo Domingo and the choir did an excellent job.  The Lord also gave us 8 souls saved as a result of the preaching.  This last Sunday was our Christmas banquet.  We had it on Sunday morning after our morning preaching time and then had another preaching time after the meal.  This Sunday the 25th I asked the choir to plan on doing the concert again on our Christmas day service.   
Tomorrow my wife and I will be going to pick up our two daughters Angela and Sarah at the airport.  They are coming to spend a week with us for Christmas.  This Sunday we will give a bag of candy and a little toy to our church kids.  It is the only present most of them will get this Christmas. 
Carlos and Sarah Mora from our church will going up to "El Limon" to help us start our 13th church this January.  We have already been evangelizing and have seen over 200 professions of faith in that area over the last 4 weeks.  The people here in the Dominican are very open to the gospel.   
We sure appreciate you folks and are so thankful for your faithful prayer and financial support.  God bless you!  Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 
Your friends and servants in the Dominican Republic
Missionaries Steve and Nohemy Sidler

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