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This photo was taken in the high mountains of Adjara, Georgia, while I was doing my projec

Iglesia Bautista Fe

Perfil del Misionero
Campo Misionero:
Okinawa, Japón
Años de servicio:
Iglesia Enviadora:
Iglesia Bautista Maranata
Agencia Misionera:
Baptist International Missions Inc.
We have supported for 20 years.
Okinawa, Japón
Chattanooga, Tennesse
Ed Navato
Elvie Navato

October 18, 2024

June 27, 2024

May 2, 2024

March 19, 2024

March 7, 2024

February 1, 2024

Hi Pastor & Mrs. Mark Smith and Faith Baptist Church of Tacoma WA
    How are you doing Pastor Smith?  I specifically pray for you Mrs. Smith and Faith Baptist Church of Tacoma every day in my personal Bible and prayer devotions. 
    We continue to search for a building suitable for a church of 20 or more people and ample parking.  I call text and visit realtors housing and building agencies.  We visit the leads they give us.  Recently one of the buildings has parking for 2 small vehicles only the other one a few days ago we checked the same day we were notified was already taken.  Please continue to pray for a church building. 
    We now have both morning and evening services still meeting in our small apartment living room.  We currently have 6 dining room chairs and both 2 extra.  Tomorrow we are planning on buying a few more folding chairs.  Please continue to pray for spiritual and numerical growth. 
    We need more Gospel tracts in English and Japanese.  Please pray for Gospel tracts business cards door hangers stickers advertising technology phones and other needs for the early stages of the church plant. 
    Thank you and GOD bless you!  I've attached 3 pictures below of our morning service at home last Sunday. 
    We thank you for your love prayers support and involvement in our lives.  GOD bless you your loved-ones and ministries!

December 7, 2023

1 (661) 675-3352 Ÿ
Sent by: Maranatha Baptist Church Ÿ Okinawa Japan Ÿ phone: 011-81-98-929-2695
Sent through: Baptist International Missions Inc. Ÿ PO Box 9 Ÿ Harrison TN 37341 Ÿ (423) 344-5050
Scan to donate via PayPal
Dear Pastor and Praying Friends
John 4:34-35 Jesus saith unto them My meat is to do the
will of him that sent me and to finish his work. 35Say not
ye There are yet four months and then cometh harvest?
behold I say unto you Lift up your eyes and look on the
fields; for they are white already to harvest.
News Flash 2023 JESUS SAVES! These souls made professions
of faith during soul winning while on furlough: Edgardo Sr. Virginia
Edgardo Jr. Henry Honeyleth Edison May Shalee Darian Rommel
Gloria Margarita Joe Vic Alma Jeremy Edwin Alex and David.
Two were Scripturally baptized. Please pray for the Scriptural baptism
of the others their spiritual growth and discipleship. Glory to God!
New Direction Since 2001 we are missionaries to the US Military
through Baptist International Missions Inc. (BIMI). There is no BIMI
missionary to minister to US Navy Base Atsugi and US Army Base
Zama in Japan. The best way to train servicemen and women in the
ministry of the local church is to establish churches near their bases.
This is the primary goal of BIMI’s military ministry. These churches
reach both the single serviceperson as well as families. Please pray
for the beginning stages of this new church plant near these two US
Military Bases. Pray for Freedom Baptist Church plant for Atsugi and
Zama souls!
New Mission We go soul winning and share Gospel tracts. Elvie
led hotel employee Dora to a profession of faith in the LORD JESUS
CHRIST! She is the first soul won to CHRIST here. We had our first
discipleship Bible study and Thanksgiving meal with Dora in the
hotel. Pray that we can locate a building conducive for Sunday School
Sunday AM & PM services and Wed. PM prayer & Bible studies pronto!
Pray for a building presentable for church services with lots of parking.
Parking is rough and tough here. We have no one to help us yet. Pray
that we can meet born again laborers in the area. By faith we are
starting from the ground up. Pray for church plant building funding
please. Japan is not cheap and we are starting from ground zero. We
stayed in a hotel and rented a car since 11 Oct 2023. We finally moved
into an apartment on 01 Dec 2023. Kindly pray for a reliable and
dependable used vehicle we can use. HE IS ABLE!
New Edition We now included our 2023 prayer letters in our BIMI
page for more details simply search: bimi ed & elvie navato. Thank
you for reading our updates and reports. We are very grateful for your
prayers. We truly appreciate your financial support. Send support
to: Ed Navato Acct. 1248 BIMI P.O. BOX 9 Harrison TN 37341.
Merry Christmas! GOD bless you with souls saved and Christians
surrendering to US Military Missions in the New Year 2024!
Your church planting missionaries to the US Military in Japan Ed and Elvie Navato

November 13, 2023

Hi Pastor & Mrs. Mark Smith and Faith Baptist Church of Tacoma WA 
    How are you doing Pastor Smith?  We are specifically praying for you Mrs. Smith and Faith Baptist Church of Tacoma as a whole.  Praying for your health healing and speedy recovery from all your medical challenges Preacher. 
    We were contacted by another housing agent yesterday and are looking at another house today.  We are still staying in a hotel.  We've been sharing Gospel tracts in many places to many people around us.
     We are reporting this great blessing to you first before we report it in our regular bi-monthly prayer letter.  While we share Gospel tracts in the hotel a housekeeping lady got one a while back. 
    Yesterday morning she knocked at our door and in tears said that she has problems and medical issues.  She was holding the Gospel tract we gave her.  But she's still at work and cannot stay but would like to come back after her shift at 6:00pm last night. 
    Well she did come back at 6PM we listened to her as she poured her heart out.  Then Elvie opened her New Testament and led Ms. Dora to CHRIST!  Glory Hallelujah to GOD our SAVIOUR the LORD JESUS CHRIST!   
    She is the first soul that was led to the SAVIOUR since we got here on 11 Oct 2023!  Please pray for her spiritual growth and follow-up.  We invited her to come back every Sunday night at 6PM and Wednesday night at 6PM after her shift and to bring friends.  Please pray that we will bear much fruit of souls to CHRIST a nucleus of believers will remain grow spiritually and numerically.   
    We pray and plan to start the Bible Studies in our hotel room while waiting for a house that we can use for Bible studies Sunday school and church services.  Please pray that we can get a house very soon.
    We are still renting a compact car.  Please pray that we can purchase a used vehicle we can use for the church plant very soon.  We truly appreciate your love prayers and support.  Happy Thanksgiving to you all! 
    One picture attached below.  GOD bless you your loved-ones and ministries! 
Your church planting missionaries to the US Military in Japan
 Ed & Elvie
Mark 16:15

September 7, 2023

August 31, 2023

July 27, 2023

April 13, 2023

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