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This photo was taken in the high mountains of Adjara, Georgia, while I was doing my projec

Iglesia Bautista Fe

Perfil del Misionero
Campo Misionero:
Ciudad de México, México
Años de servicio:
Iglesia Enviadora:
Iglesia Bautista de Fairhaven
Agencia Misionera:
We have supported for 29 years.
Chersterton, Indiana
Clint Rardín
rhonda Rardín

November 14, 2024

Dear Praying Friends,

Thank you so much for praying for our 20th anniversary. God blessed more than I expected. Since we lost 70 people to the other church we started last month, I expected about 180 adults, although I told our chef to prepare for 200 just in case. We had 220 adults and used every seat we had in the church, including the two seats on the platform and our bench in the lobby! Our ushers stood in the back. We still had plenty of food for all. We had 117 on the routes, including 16 on the new route (14 of whom were adults). I just imagine if we would have had the other two routes! We had 276 altogether.
Of the 22 adults visitors, we had three men and one woman saved plus 7 children. Three other ladies received security of their salvation. Of those adults saved, Ezekiel and Isreal were from the new route. So were the two children saved - Jacob and Mateo. The other man saved, Manuel, was invited by one of our families, and Maria de la Luz, who was saved, came from one of our other routes.
Thank you for your prayers,
Clint Rardin

May 24, 2024

Dear Praying Friends,

We have had record heat temperatures here in Mexico City. The other day we broke an all-time record of 93.4 degrees F., which may not seem high in Indiana, but we are not used to these temperatures. The forecast for June is in the mid-70s and rainy. I can't wait.
God has blessed this campaign with great attendances as well as many souls saved. On May 12, despite it being a three-day weekend (as Mexico's May 10 Mother's Day is like an official holiday), we had a great day on the buses with over 160 (our average is around 105) and we had 259 in church.
The drop in church attendance was due to dozens of the drive-in crowd taking advantage of the three-day weekend and going out of town. Still, God blessed with four souls saved in church as I preached on Jesus, the Friend of Sinners, and Zaccheaus as it was our Friend Day. At night, we had a young man named Jared, a friend of one of our young men who is in the Military Academy, join the church in our business meeting. Jared was saved and baptized the last few months and wanted to join the church. God is blessing the church's finances like never before with record offerings and in the black by a good margin.
We bounced back in attendance this Sunday in an amazing and unexpected way! Usually, Family Day is our lowest Sunday of the spring campaign. Our attendance bounced back to 321, just 4 less than our record-breaking Mother's Day service two weeks before! Never have we had so many in our church besides our famous Kid's Day and Mother's Day. We had over 190 on our buses and our drive-in crowd was back in church. We had 224 adults and teens overflowing our auditorium and 97 children. It was an incredible day! Three adults were saved: Cesar, Ismael, and Susana, as I preached on becoming a child of God in the family of God.
The great thing about the campaign is we have people coming back, and more importantly, some newly saved continuing to attend. In our mission by the airport, we have a new young lady named Araceli attending the last two weeks. I haven't had much time to talk to her as last week I was out preaching somewhere else, but she seems like she comes from an independent, fundamental Baptist background and we are looking forward to getting to know more about her.
God seems to keep on bringing us new people to this mission. The 84-year-old mother of Virgina, Guadalupe, whom I led to the Lord a few weeks back, accompanied her daughter to the mission this last Wednesday.

Thank you for your prayers,
Clint Rardin

May 2, 2024

May 2, 2024

March 19, 2024

December 7, 2023

October 5, 2023

August 18, 2023

July 27, 2023

June 1, 2023

April 4, 2023

February 16, 2023

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