Faith Baptist Church Faith Baptist Church Faith Baptist Church

Mitch & Elizabeth Muller

Missionary Information

Name: Mitch Muller
Age: 62

Spouse: Elizabeth Muller
Age: 59

Child: Richard Muller
Age: 34

Child: Genovene Muller
Age: 28

Mission Field: Mexico

Years of Service: 25

Home Church: Open Door Baptist
Lynwood, Washington

Missions Agency: Word For The World
Rossville, Georgia

Our Missionary for 7 years


Missionary Update 03/25/2019


Missionary Update 02/19/2019

The longer we serve the Lord the more wonderment we have as we consider what a far-seeing God is our Lord. When we began our transition from USA to Mexico, we knew there would be several components that would need to all come together, and as is always the case, our Savior orchestrated it all! Not only did we need to arrange for the physical moving of our household items, but we also needed to be in Mexico in time to help with our son Richard’s wedding. So, to top it all off we found ourselves not only moving and house hunting but involved in a wedding all at the same time! We arrived in Merida on the 7th of January, went out to the town Richard and Hanany would wed and began to help with all the decorations. It turned out beautiful! We spent the day after with our daughter and then dropped her off at the airport 4 hours away. While driving back we got a call from our previous neighbors wondering if we wanted to look at their house. This house had sat vacant for 2 years on the market, we suppose the Lord was holding it for us. We accepted the house with no co-signer, no lawyers and no deposit, which is no small miracle for Mexico.  Our stuff came in the moving van a few days later and we began to make the house our home. A few days later I was praying about a place to meet when a lady knocked on our gate and asked if I might be interested in her space for rent. It was perfect timing. The next day a pastor friend of mine gave me a pulpit and a few hours after that a previous church member texted me to offer me 20 folding chairs. So, everything fell into place. MY GOD SHALL SUPPLY… A few days ago, a young man came over to the house seeking some counsel and I led him to the Lord! Pray for Nahum, I will approach him for discipleship this week. We are rejoicing for God’s timing and provision. We can’t thank you all enough for your help in the moving expenses, thank God for each and every one of you.   A few needs we can see for the immediate are a projector for public park ministry. We have a screen, and we could really use a laser printer for flyers, bulletins and whatnot. If you would like to help in those needs just let us know, we appreciate your help very much.   Thank you and God bless you all for your prayers,    Mitchell and Elizabeth

Missionary Update 12/07/2018

BUT I REJOICED IN THE LORD GREATLY … Philippians 4:10   As Liz and I look back on this past year, we can rejoice in the Lord greatly. Although it is always hard to leave home we are looking forward to this next chapter of our lives. So, we left Corona, Ca, in February and travelled through the west coast states through July. Then our journey took us to the mid-west states until the end of September. Finally, we spent all of October through December on the east coast. The Lord allowed us to present in over 70 churches this year. Many of our previous supporting churches have renewed their commitment to support us once again. We have also met many new churches where we have certainly established some lasting friendships and have become fellow helpers to the truth with us and we rejoice for that! Our support level is at 90-95% and it looks like our January target date is still firm. As we have travelled to so many churches that have been a great blessing to us, we always desire to be a blessing to those that have hosted us. From going door to door soul winning, passing our thousands of tracts, VBS helps, fixing roofs, hanging and finishing drywall, patching holes, painting, to lending a hand at a printing ministry to cooking a turkey for the fellowship, we have definitely found some ways the Lord has allowed us to serve others.             Liz would like to extend a sincere and heartfelt thank you for everyone that prayed for her and her family for the loss of her mother. We know that Juana is with the Lord, but she is still very missed. As the holidays are approaching, we will spend Christmas with our daughter in California.   Please pray with us in the following areas –   ·         We will need the funds to move our belongings to Mexico - $3500-4000 (If you wish to help with that, please just send as the Lord leads marked as moving expenses) ·         A place to rent upon arriving. ·         Travelling mercies as we drive 2600 more miles to our destination. ·         Pray for our son Richard who will wed in January.     Thank you and God bless you all for your prayers,    Mitchell and Elizabeth

Missionary Update 10/19/2018

Word from Faith Faith Baptist Church, 5714 29th St NE, Tacoma, WA 98422   And of some have compassion,  making a Difference Jude 2:22   July 4th Our church held our annual 4th of July picnic here at the church grounds. The sun was out, there were games played, lots of food eaten and an early Church service to conclude the day. A great time was had by all.   July 20-28th Our church helped Brother Jason Tate and Brother Alan Jackson hold their annual Pastor’s Training Conference in Danli, Honduras. Over twenty of our church family with down to help with the conference. Two hundred pastors from Honduras, Guatemala and other countries near Honduras came. We had to turn away some of the people who came as there was no room for them in the conference center. Each pastor at the conference was given a tablet that was our church team had loaded with all the apps they will need to better teach their people. Our pastoral/teaching staff spent the week teaching them how to use their new tables and all the apps therein. It was very exciting for our people to watch the excitement in their faces.   While our group was in Honduras, it was brought to Pastor Smith’s attention that there was a family of four children without parents, living in substandard conditions. Pastor reached out to our church family for help in getting the lumber and other materials needed to repair their living quarters. We thank God for the 3 men from our church who were able to help. One of the men is a contractor, so with him, Pastor, and a contractor from Danli, they were able to get the work done. These children now have a good home to live in.   Aug 2-4th was the Men and Boys Campout. Naturally the guys, both young and older, had the time of their lives, being outdoors doing what guys do and eating like kings every day.       Aug. 15-18 Our Life Builders class-the college/career age group- went to Lincoln City, Oregon, for the annual retreat. We had a good group of young adults attend and learn practical life lessons, founded on Biblical principles. The weather was beautiful, and everyone had a great time.   Update on Mrs. Prouty. She is just about in remission! There’s just a small tumor in the left lung. She thanks God for all he has done in and through her. Keep praying, it is working!

Missionary Update 09/10/2018

God’s word tells us that we will run and not be weary, we shall walk and not be faint. I don’t know if a missionary travelling on deputation was in view when Isaiah penned that. (just kidding) but travelling can make for a long and tedious day. One thing that gives Liz and I a sense of joy about it is that we know that this is just one small step in a much bigger picture. We also have had the great joy to meet some of God’s finest as we travel to church after church. So many wonderful saints stop by our table and engage us. They take our cards and promise to pray for us, and they have no idea how much that encourages us. I think we have officially been in 46 churches thus far and we still have 4 Missions Conferences to attend and some 20 more churches to visit.   In the last few weeks, we have had several churches communicate they will be picking us up. We are blessed above measure. Just last week we had a church make a motion at the end of the service to take us up for support. It is humbling to hear folks speak favorably about you and their confidence that you will continue to be a good servant of Christ.   We have seen a few more folks saved along the way since our last update. God continually gives us opportunity to be a witness for Him and we try our best to be sensitive to the people around us. Although most of our time is spent in a church parking lot, we do get out and have moments to take advantage of.   A reminder to some of our fellow helpers in the truth, our support address is below. Open Door has still received some support for us, so we want to remind you that we are with Word for the World missions board.   Please send all support to: Word for the World PO Box 849 Rossville, GA 30741 – 0849   Make the checks out to Word for the World, so they can deposit them into our account. Make sure to make a note in the memo area of the check it is for the Mullers   Your prayers are effectual, and we are grateful for them   In Christ, Mitchell and Elizabeth  

Missionary Update 04/16/2018

ANOTHER MULLER FAMILY UPDATE!   Thank you for taking a moment of your time to read this. We appreciate it very much. Being on deputation is a lot harder than we remember!!Yet the Lord is more than faithful to provide all we need on a daily basis. In March we traveled through some snow country, and we are not at all accustomed to driving in it. Our truck and trailer slid off the highway from some black ice, a man came and pulled us out within minutes. A few days later we got stuck trying to navigate a gravel road in Washington, again, a man was there to pull us out with his backhoe. Our trailer developed a loud noise in the tires, upon inspection we saw that the backing plate and drum assembly were just within minutes of falling off. There are 4 large bolts that hold this on and there was only one left and with no nut! We quickly got it to a tire and brake shop where they immediately took us in for a repair. The point is this: God was watching over us in every moment and had a man standing by to aid his servants. How true the word of God is when it says, The LORD is thy keeper, the LORD is thy shade upon thy right hand. (Psalm 125) The last week of March I accompanied our son Richard to Mexico. He is planning on marrying a great young lady named Anani, she is a faithful young lady who is from one of the churches we served in many years ago. We ask that you pray for them as they seek to serve the Lord as one. While visiting in Merida, we seemed to run into some of our converts almost every day. Since our time was so limited there, we really didn’t plan on visiting, but the Lord let us have a little nice fellowship along the way. It was especially nice to run into Guillermina, she is a lady that was on her knees in desperation asking the Lord for some direction, anything! something! And then within a few minutes my wife and another lady from the church knocked on her door. She was wonderfully saved that day and then soon after was baptized and has attended faithfully the Open Door Baptist Church.   Thanks for your prayers and would you remember our son Richard and the transition in his life that is happening.   Our meetings have been a real blessing. We have been in some 15 churches since February, and several have taken us on. To date we have 20 commitments of support, and we are overwhelmed by the goodness of the Lord as our needs have been met far and above what we would ever hope for. Coming up in the next few weeks we have 3 Mission Conferences on schedule and several more churches before we head towards the mid-west where we will spend our summer busy presenting the calling of God on our lives. A few Sundays ago, we had the privilege of seeing 2 come forward for salvation after the service. God is still in the saving business! Well, until next time, please keep us in your prayers and we will be doing the same for you.   For Mexico, Mitchell and Liz

 Greeting and salutations from the south of Mexico!   Our desire is that you all have had great open doors of utterance during the holiday season. God gives us wonderful opportunities to witness and lift Him up at certain times of the year, what a blessing. Some one asked me if I really believed Jesus was born on the 25th of December, my reply was that perhaps not, but the fact that he was born is indisputable, and if the world wants to take a moment to recognize that, I say we should be there with a ready answer for the hope that lives in us. We had a busy end of year. We inaugurated our new building, which we spoke about last letter, we hope you enjoyed the pictures. Then in December we began planning for a Christmas Cantata called the Truth about Christmas, it was a great drama that had a lot of folks serving the Lord. From the little kids that came as the little shepherds and angels, to the choir and then many others who played a role in the drama. We had over 20 first time visitors and several hands up at our invitation indicating a need for salvation. It was a really great night to lift up our Lord.   No sooner than we finished up with that and a group came on a Missions Trip in the first week of January. 11 brethren came down form our sending church accompanied by assistant Pastor Kennedy (a dear friend of ours) and we had a week of much evangelism. We went out to our own village church and Pastor preached and they gave every child a pair of shoes which we had arranged names and sizes beforehand. We had 4 first time visitors with a few hands up to receive Christ. The next night we went out to a new village where we are asking the Lord’s direction about. There was a group of kids that came to the center of town’s ball court, about 60 and almost all their little hands are up at the invitation. I have a table with 3 doors, 3 things God cannot do, which is a great tool to witness with. My table was busy all night, with a few of our men working it with me we saw 15 adults receive the Lord as Savior. 2 years ago, we went to this village and had a campaign, but the lockdowns came right after, and we never had an opportunity to follow up. A lady that was saved 2years earlier at our first visit there came, and we talked with her and her husband. Damien and Mirna want us to come out to their house and hold services. They said they will invite their friends and family to hear the gospel. So pray for us on that front, we plan to go out there before January ends.   We want to thank some churches that have been a big help as of late. Stillwaters Baptist Church in Idaho gave us an offering to print our own tracts and today I placed an order for 10,000 tracts! Bible Believers Baptist in Texas came to our aide for the 2nd time and gave a generous offering for our second-floor project! Then our own sending church has again given towards our building needs. In February we plan to start on the upstairs rooms for Sunday school and other children’s ministries. We never cease to be amazed at the provision of our great God who is faithful to meet our every need and more.   Sending Church:                                                                                                                  Support Address; Open Door Baptist                                Pastor Jason Murphy                           Word for the World Baptist Ministries 177014 44th Ave W                                                                                                  PO Box 849 Lynnwood, WA 98037                                                                                           Rossville, GA 30741-0849                                                                                                                  

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